The Manasota Black Chamber and USF Zimmerman School of  Advertising and Mass Communications led by Dr. Kimberly Walker, a health communication researcher interested in health of minority and vulnerable populations. We’re conducting a study with the purpose of obtaining your perceptions about the COVID-19 vaccine. As an African American or Hispanic ethnic member of Manatee County, your perceptions of the COVID-19 vaccine are important to researchers who work with vaccinations as they impact minorities.

You qualify for this study if:

Are age 18 or older,

Are African American or of Hispanic and Latino ethnicity and,

Are a resident of Manatee County.

For this study, you will take a one-time online survey from your personal computer that will last approximately 15 minutes. You will be asked to answer questions about your demographics, your health behaviors, your health beliefs about the COVID-19 vaccination, and your preferences for communication and education about the COVID-19 vaccine. Please click on the link below, thank you for your help!